So you need to do some research? Great! You've come to the right place.
Here is the master list of all of our subscription databases. They are in alphabetical order by publisher. The order is: Name & link for the database, a description of what the database offers, and finally, log In directions for that database.
This LibGuide includes links to all the paid subscription databases that you have access to as a Collegiate community member. The databases contain academic journal articles, essays, ebooks, primary sources, images, magazines, newspapers, videos, and other scholarly writing, most of which are not accessible through a Google search.
Most of the databases listed below have usernames and passwords. Different publishers use different login methods.
Pay close attention to the database description, so you know which username and password to use and what steps to follow. **Also, once you've logged in to some of databases, you may also be able to log into a personal profile/account/folder within that database so you can save your work, take notes, etc.**
For many of the databases, you will see a box that looks like this:
Enter the start of your Collegiate email as your username (without the and your email password.
If you are still having trouble, contact:
Mrs. Kerr at or
Mr. Lamb at
Below are the databases you have access to as a Collegiate student, staff, or faculty member. Usernames, passwords, and special log in instructions are listed after the database descriptions.